Lau Kwok Hung John
Curriculum Vitae of Artist
Dante Alighieri, a Tuscan both in his heart and in his soul,
loved to say, “Nomina sunt rerum causa” (Names give the essense, and sense of things).
Hung’s original vineyard was China, his homeland.
“Hung” is the English rendering of the third syllable of the name “Lau Kwok-Hung.” (where Lau is the surname).
The Chinese word Hung comes under the classifier “Water”, and it means “torrential waters, flooding or inundation”.
But it is also associated with “Fire” in such cases as referring to the heat of a furnace,
to the image of an inferno or to flowing lava.
Hence, it also means “synergy”.
It is associated with the concept
of “cataclysm”, and “apocalypse”.
It is “intensity”,
the direct opposite of “mediocrity”.
Dante Alighieri, toscano di cuore e d’anima,
amava dire: “Nomina sunt rerum causa” (I nomi sono l’essenza, il motivo, delle “cose”).
La vigna di Hung è stata in principio la Cina, sua terra natia.
“Hung” è la trasliterazione dal cinese, la romanizzazione,
dell’ultimo ideogramma del suo nome tri-sillabico “Lau Kwok-Hung”.
Classificata nella categoria dell’acqua, la parola “Hung” significa “acqua torrenziale, inondazione” .
Ma, in quanto fuoco, viene usata per descrivere l’ardore della fornace,
per evocare l’immagine dell’incendio o delle colate incandescenti di lava.
Quindi anche “sinergia”.
È associata con il concetto
di “cataclisma”, “apocalisse”.
È “intensità”,
l’opposto di “mediocrità”.
Dante Alighieri, ein Vollblut-Toskaner,
gebrauchte gerne das Wort: nomina sunt rerum causa – die Namen sind das Wesen, der Grund der Dinge.
Der Weinberg von Hung stand zunächst in seinem Heimatland China.
Hung ist sein chinesischer Name, die dritte Silbe von Lau Kwok-Hung. (Lau ist der Nachname).
Auf Wasser bezogen bedeutet Hung „Sturzbach, Überschwemmung”.
Das Wort wird auch gerne gebraucht um die Glut eines Ofens zu beschreiben,
das Bild einer Feuersbrunst oder glühender Lavaströme.
Es bedeutet aber auch „Synergie”.
Es ist außerdem eng verbunden
mit „Naturkatastrophe”, „Apokalypse”.
Es bezeichnet zudem „Intensität”,
das Gegenteil von Mittelmäßigkeit.
Personal data
Born Hong Kong1977-1980
Studied at the Academy of Fine Arts, Florence1975-1981
Performed as singer and dancer in tournée with International Band “GenRosso” over 300 concerts in Italy, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Spain, France, Belgium, Holland, Great Britain, Ireland, Scotland, Malta, Lichtenstein, Hong Kong, Macau, the Philippines, Japan, South Korea
International events
- November
On-site collaborative realization of the triptych “Terra Promessa” at the “Prophetic Economy Event”, Castelgandolfo, Rome, Italy - September
Installation of “Terra Promessa”, Chiesa GwangPyeong Dong, Daejeon, South Korea - August
On-site realization of “Chinese Fan” at the Kunstsymposium, Kleinbreitenbach, Turingen, Germany - May
Presentation of sculpture “Oggi abbiamo visto cose prodigiose” as gift to Pope Francis, Loppiano, Firenze, Italy - February
Presentation of “Premio Renata” to Sullimen Baraka, Loppiano, Florence, Italy
- June
Presentation “Interface” to the Borchers, Bremen, Germany - May
“True Colours”, Collaborative arti event, Vienna, Austria - March
Presentation of “Matteo Ricci” to Fondazione Mario Diana, Caserta, Italy
- October
Presentation of “Three Francis” to Catholic University, Hong Kong, Cina - August
On-site realization of “Interface” at the Kunstsymposium, Kleinbreitenbach, Turingen, Germany
- November
“Andante”, Salle du Tertre, Brissac-Quincé, France - October
“Hand-in-Hand”, Jubiläumsfeier, Gebr. Hass Metallbau, Wien, Austria - September
“Andante-Delicato”, Landhaus, St. Pölten, Austria - March
“Speak Together” I & II, Hofburg, innsbruck, Austria - February
Presentation of “Premio Renata” to Fabiola Gianotti, Loppiano, Florence, Italy
- November
“ANDANTE – Exhibition of Contemporary Sculptor Lau Kwok Hung” Casa de Exposições, Casas-Museu da Taipa, Macau, China - On-site realization of “Franz von Assisi” at the Kunstsymposium, Kleinbreitenbach, Turingen, Germany
- May
广州白云群众芄朮館展 Guangdong, China - February
Presentation of “Premio Renata” to Piero Benvenuti, Loppiano, Florence, Italy
“Foshan International Metal Art Symposium”, New Media Park, Foshan, China
- July
“Metal Symposium”, Wildschönau, Tirol, Austria (installation of “Contrabassist”) - May
“The Power of the Line”, CultureInside Gallery, Luxembourg - April
“La Vie est un Voyage”, Grand Hotel Cravat, Luxembourg - January
Installation of “Bào De Sàn Chun Huè”, Women’s Focolare Centre, HongKong
- December
Installation of “Incarnazione”, Santuario Theotokos, Loppiano, Florence, Italy - September
Installation of “Abbraccio”, Chiesa di Gesù Risorto, Cavi Arenelle, Genova, Italy - August
Conferenza SICOP, Como, Italy - July
“Kunst und Technik in der Schule” HSH Solingen, Germany
“Metal Symposium”, Wildschönau, Tirol, Austria, (installation of “Tirolian Harpist”) - April
WCPT “Art and Health Award” Amsterdam, Holland - March
Mostra d’Arte “Premio Fraternità”, Benevento, Italy
- July
“Metal Symposium”, Wildschönau, Tirol, Austria, (installation of “Interface”)
- September
“Metamorphosen Auf Mutter Erde”, Rat-Hause, Krifte, Frankfurt, Germany - August
“Drop In”, Stahl Symposium, Riedersbach, Upper-Austria
- September
“ID24M”, Stahl Symposium, Riedersbach, Upper-Austria - April
“Coming Together II”, Hofburg, Innsbruck, Austria - March
“Coming Together I”, Hofburg, Innsbruck, Austria - February
“Light of Souls”, Mahmoud Mokhtar Cultural Centre, El Cairo, Egypt - January
“Spazio d’Arte”, Scuola Aderenti, Castelgandolfo, Rome, Italy
- December
“Licht Chor II”, Haus am Dom, Frankfurt, Germany - October
“Expo”, Polo Lionello, Burchio, Florence, Italy - September
“Spazio d’Arte”, Scuola Aderenti, Castelgandolfo, Rome, Italy - August
“Licht Chor”, Scuola degli Azzurri, Centre de Rencontre, Montet, Switzerland - April
“Licht Chor”, Exerzitienhaus der Diözese Würzburg, Würzburg, Germany - April
“Licht Chor”, Haus am Dom, Frankfurt, Germany - March
“MetaLLmorphose”, University Mozarteum, Salzburg, Austria
- November
“Begegnung zwischen Ost un West”, Wagner-Jauregg Nervenklinik, Linz, Austria
- May
“Biennale Internationala de Arte Contemporane”, Theatrul de Stat, Arad, România
- October
Inauguration of “The Crucifix”, Collegium Borromæum, Freiburg, Germany - September
“Marché des Arts”, Issy-les-Moulineaux, Paris, France - February
“Lo Spirito della Musica”, Centro Mariapoli, Castelgandolfo, Rome, Italy
- December
“Biennale dell’Arte Contemporanea di Firenze”, Fortezza dal Basso, Florence, Italy
- December
“Percorso d’Arte”, Studio d’arte Il Graffiacielo, San Giovanni Valdarno, Florence, Italy - October
“MetaLmorphosis”, Casa di Riposo, San Fedele, Como, Italy - September
“Marché des Arts”, Issy-les-Moulineaux, Paris, France - July
“Ospedale Aperto 2002”, Ospedale S.M. Annunziata, Florence, Italy - May
“Toscanello d’Oro 2002”, Sala del Consiglio Comunale, Pontassieve, Florence, Italy - March
“Licht Chor”, Theresianum, Mainz, Germany
- December
“La Porta della Bellezza”, Pieve Urago Mella, Brescia, Italy - June
“Forum d’Arte Internazionale”, Montelfi, Loppiano, Florence, Italy
- February
“Forum d’Arte Internazionale”, Salone San Benedetto, Loppiano, Florence, Italy
- April
“Esposizione Collettiva”, Convegno dell’Arte, Castelgandolfo, Rome, Italy
- December
“Exposition Collective”, Hall de Fête”, Bollion, Broye, Switzerland - April
“Concours National 700ième Anniversaire de la Suisse”, Zurich, Switzerland
- December
“Exposition Collective”, Galerie de L’Arche, Lutry, Lausanne, Switzerland - May
“Concours d’Art Populaire Fribourgeois”, Romont, Switzerland